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Daily Jokes / Joke of the Day
For over a year, DeepLake has been running the Joke of the Day service. Unlike many other sites, we really do update our jokes every day so you get to see the funniest jokes. Keep coming back to DeepLake Daily Jokes to kick-start your day!

Good news: The Joke of the Day is back! Thanks for your patience.

Today's Joke (No.1/1)

Greeting Cards Unsuccessfully Marketed By Hallmark

Front: I heard you have gone deaf.
Inside: I'll bet you didn't.

Front: I'm sorry to hear you have gone blind.
Inside: See you later, you bastard!

Front: I'm sorry to hear you are brain dead.
Inside: It's really not that bad when you think about it.

Front: My sympathies on the last of your father's teeth falling out.
Inside: Well, dadgummit!

Front: My condolences on the loss of your arms.
Inside: Write back soon.

Front: I'm sorry to hear you have contracted Alzheimer's disease.
Inside: I'm sorry to hear you have contracted Alzheimer's disease.

Front: I heard that you were very sick.
Inside: I hope that you die painlessly.

Front: I heard you were dead.
Inside: I hope it was painless.

Front: I heard your whole family got shot.
Inside: So I turned up the volume on the stereo.

Front: Congratulations on your first period!
Inside: Let's go out and paint the town red!

Front: Thank God you aren't pregnant!
Inside: I might have had to admit I've had sex with *you*.

Front: I heard that you attempted suicide.
Inside: Wishing you luck and success in all that you do.

Front: After all these years, it was good to run into you again.
Inside: Thank God this time you didn't leave as much blood on my bumper!

Front: I was sorry to hear that your dog ran away.
Inside: Next time try cooking him a little longer.

Front: They told me you were constipated.
Inside: No shit?

Front: Wishing you a speedy recovery from your accident.
Inside: Look forward to seeing you in court!

Front: Get well soon.
Inside: I sick of walking two miles to get water.

Front: Congratulations on finally getting a life.
Inside: Now get ready to lose it.

Front: Hot damn!
Inside: I'm sorry to hear that your house burned down.

Front: Congratulations on your weight loss!
Inside: It's a shame you had to saw off your legs to do it.

Front: When life deals you a hard blow.
Inside: So can I, big boy.

Happy Vasectomy! Hope you feel zippy! 'Cause when I got one... I got real

I heard you had herpes...and I feel terrible...I'd say "Get well soon"...but
I know it's incurable.

My tire was thumping....I thought it was flat....when I looked at the
tire....I found your cat... Sorry!

You had your bladder removed and you're on the mends.... here's a bouquet of
flowers and a box of Depends.

You've announced that you're gay, and won't that be a laugh, when they find
out you're one... of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day... look at the bright
side, she's a really good lay.

Heard your wife left you... How upset you must be... Don't fret about your
wife though... She's moving in with me.

Your computer is dead... and it was so alive... you shouldn't have
installed... Win'95.

You totalled your car... and can't remember why... maybe it was... that case
of Bud Dry.

So you lost your job... It's one of those hardships in life... Next time,
work harder... and stay away from the boss's wife.

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