Cheap Calls from Spain now - just 4
cents per minute
902 900 895
Home > Common questions about Cheap Calls Spain
Why is there a connection charge?
Telefonica charge a connection charge of 8.33 cents
when using 902 numbers. We have no control over this, and it is
considerably less than the 12 cents connection charge applied to
international calls dialled directly via Telefonica. You can press
## to make a follow-on call, so if you have to make multiple calls,
you'll only have to pay the fee once.
Can I use the service from a payphone?
Yes. Payphone rates vary according to the operator of the payphone and
the payphone's location. As a guide, you should be charged between 8 and
15 cents a minute. With Telefonica charging almost one euro per minute
it's a huge saving!
Can I use the service from a mobile?
Yes. Using the service from a Spanish mobile will cost between 20 and 40
cents depending on which network and tariff you are on. Again, this is
vastly cheaper than dialling direct. Calling from a UK (or other foreign)
mobile roaming in Spain is not advisable - use a landline, payphone or
Spanish mobile instead.
How do I pay for it?
Calling our access number is just a normal phone call:
- From a landline the call will appear on your usual Telefonica bill.
- From a payphone you just put coins in the slot as normal.
- From a mobile the call will be deducted from you credit (pay as you go)
or appear on your pay monthly phone bill. There is no sign-up required
and no separate bills.
Do I have to register or sign a contract?
Just dial our access number and then your full international number.
That’s it!